
Amazon Fee Changes effective from 01-Sep-2021


Revision to Amazon.in fees effective September 1, 2021



Selling on Amazon fees:



  • Referral Fees: Amazon.in has revised referral fees across 82 product categories. Refer Table 1 below for details.
  • Closing Fees:Fixed Closing Fee structure has been revised for all channels. We have introduced lower closing fees for select categories which are shipped through Amazon FCs in < INR 250 price range. Please refer Table 2 below for the revised fixed closing fee.



Fulfilment by Amazon (FBA) fees:



  • FBA Weight Handling fee: In order to help you provide better customer experience while shipping large sized products through our fulfilment channels, we have re-structured our weight handling fee rate card. This includes reduction in fee for items weighing 500-1000 g and the per kg fee for every additional kg after 5 kg. Please refer Table 3 for the FBA weight handling fee details.
  • FBA Pick and Pack Fee: There are revisions to the FBA pick and pack fee for Standard & Heavy Bulky items. Please refer Table 4 below for revised FBA Pick and Pack Fee.
  • Zero Fulfillment Fee for Shipments over INR 20,000: To taste the success of FBA at no additional cost, we will continue to offer Zero fulfillment Fee (Weight handling Fee & Pick & Pack Fee) for all Standard-size shipments priced over INR 20,000.



Easy Ship (ES) specific fees:



  • Easy Ship Weight Handling Fee: Easy Ship weight handling fee has been revised across Standard & Heavy Bulky shipments and please refer Table 3 for Easy Ship weight handling fees.



Note: All the fee types listed above are displayed excluding Goods and Services Tax. We will apply 18% Goods and Services Tax (GST) to all fees displayed above.



Please feel free to write to [email protected] to provide your feedback on the new changes. If you have any further questions, you can contact Seller Support (sign-in required).




Table 1: Referral fees

Table 2: Closing Fees

Table 3: Weight handling fees

Table 4 : FBA(Non-seller flex) pick and pack fees




October 20, 2021

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